Grading & Membership

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TSKFA Grading Syllabus Kyu Grade 2023


Attendance and Proficiency Requirement:

For 3 months (12 weeks) before grading you must have attended and trained in class two times a week average (24 attendances).

You must show you are at standard in: Kihon (Basics), Kata (forms) and Kumite (Sparring)

You must also have permission to grade from the TSKF dojo head.

1st Kyu gradings must be taken with a Japanese Instructor

You must be a 1st Kyu for at least 6 months before you can grade for black belt


Regrading from another Karate Style:

People regrading into TSKF from another style or organisation must show evidence of their current grade

People regrading into TSKF from another style or organisation can only regrade at or below their current grade from their previous organisation


If you fail a grading you must wait 3 months before you can regrade


Membership fees:

Annual membership is 1st July to 30 June (Financial Year)

12 years old and younger $60 for the first year then full rate $110 year 2 onwards

13 years old and older $110

If you are a new member (13 years and older) and start between 1 July and 30 June, there is a pro-rata rate. For example, if you start in January then you would pay $60 (a pro-rata rate) for the first year only.

On Grading Day(everyone):

You must be a fully paid up member of TSKF

You must wear a clean white gi and belt

No jewellery to be worn (earrings, chains, rings, bracelets, watches etc)

Boys – no t-shirts to be worn under gi top (girls can wear a t-shirt)

Karate Begins and Ends with RESPECT